Bold and Biblical Fundraising

By Scott Morton, author of Funding Your Ministry

Afraid to fundraise? You’re not alone. In teaching Biblical fundraising around the world, I find that the obstacle of fear ranks first in every culture, in every organization. Here is a surprising story about how God used Funding Your Ministry in the life of a fearful missionary and the organization that sent her. For the sake of privacy, let’s call her Sue.

In “Sue’s” words . . .

One year ago, God unexpectedly sent me to Quito, Ecuador, to serve as a missionary teacher for three years at an international school. It was a whirlwind transition, but I was sure this was where God wanted me!

I found an apartment in Ecuador, and the previous tenant, also a missionary, had carefully placed a copy of Funding Your Ministry on the kitchen table. It was the only thing she left behind. I wondered if this might be a God-moment because I was terrified about fundraising. I couldn’t even say the words.

But I slowly digested the book, contrasting the book’s view of biblical fundraising against my long-ingrained thoughts of funding and missionaries.

A year later, Sue had a summer break with her mentor, George, back in Indiana. Following that break, George noted the following:

Sue told me that God had changed her life through reading Funding Your Ministry. Creative boldness is one example. The mission agency she is with had Ask Cards printed with suggestions to pray, but there was nothing about giving financial support. But financial support was what Sue needed.

Fearfully but boldly, Sue took one of those cards, scanned it, removed the pray section, and added a simple financial invitation for donors. God gave Sue courage to ask not only for prayer (which is easy!) but also for financial partnership.

From my perspective in just one year, Sue has developed Christlike confidence in funding and beyond. The healthy confidence flowing from her today made me wonder “Who is this?” even though I have known her for six years. What a God-honoring story erupted from a seemingly chance encounter of a book left behind on a kitchen table in Ecuador.

As an author, I am grateful to have received this encouragement. I wish every mission worker and organization could experience the same joy and freedom that comes from a biblical path of recruiting and retaining donor support. Do you need more boldness in your fundraising?