Do you ever wish God would speak directly to you?

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Vic Black invites you to ignite your relationship with God. Vic, the National Prayer Director for The Navigators®, shares his passion for doing just that in Speak, Lord: Hearing the Psalms in the First Person.  Here are some tips he gives readers of Psalm 27:

  • Remember to begin with the question, “Lord, what would it sound like if You spoke this psalm to me personally?
  • In the face of enemies, fear is quelled because God is your Stronghold to run to, your Warrior and Protector who substitutes you out of the fray.  Be sure to write this from the first-person perspective of God.  Her is a suggested beginning: “Because you know Me, because you increasingly know Me better and better, together with David you too can say…”
  • Develop verse 4 to capture the purification of this “one desire,” this “one thing” that David sought after.
  • Expand verse 4 with the help of other translations and Bible-study helps.  See the fullness and the power of David’s confident relationship with God.
  • Enjoy rewriting the rest of the psalm in the first person!
  • Can you see yourself together with God, looking across at your rears?  Can you see your debilitating fears as profoundly small in light of the great and mighty God you are partnered with?  Write some in your journal about this fresh perspective.

Speak, Lord: Hearing the Psalms in the First Person

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