Help for the Weary….. Are you missing something?

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Failure to grasp the fullness of Unconditional Love and Unconditional Relationship are two truths that lead many Christian servants down paths leading to burnout. According to author Bill Tell, “Most Christians accept, at least intellectually, the first truth—that God unconditionally loves us.  But few seem to accept the truth of our unconditional relationship with God.  That’s why for so many, the freedom Christ died for vanishes from our lives.
We return to performing for God so we can meet the “standards” of a conditional relationship.  The amazing wonder that should fill our hearts about this incredible friendship turns into wondering whether we have done enough.  The joy and laughter of freedom is gone.  “If we have to win our way back into his affection,” Brian Chapell reminds us, “we are all lost.” 1-Bryan Chapell, The Promises of Grace (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker 2001), p. 93.  We sinful saints are loved unconditionally and held tighter than we can imagine in an unconditional relationship.  Always.  No matter what.  Forever.”
Read more in Lay it Down, by author Bill Tell.
Lay it Down

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