Jesus didn’t Hurry, why do you?

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The Bible never says anything about Him running. Apparently, Jesus believed that very little of lasting spiritual or emotional value happens in the presence of speed. Jesus understood that busyness, productivity, and efficiency are speed words, not kingdom words. At times they are appropriate values–but they are never transcendent. Jesus understood that meditation, wisdom, and worship are slow, mellow, and deep.
Is it possible to consciously slow our pace? Of course it is. We just have to say no more often. It is not easy, but it is necessary–and it is right.
Every year the world spins faster. So put on the brakes and obey the speed limit of your soul. The green pastures and still waters yet await us–but not in the direction the treadmill is spinning.

Dive deeper to learn the speed needed to nourish your soul, by reading The Overload Syndrome by Richard A. Swenson, MD.
Overload Syndrome

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