Top 5 Disciple-Maker Articles from 2019

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We posted over 100 articles in 2019 that have been read by thousands of people. We thank you for being a reader and disciple-maker alongside us. Here’s a countdown of your favorites; the most read articles in 2019.

Top 5 Articles from 2019:

#5 How to Come Alongside Someone Going Through Pain by Aubrey Sampson

…If you’ve ever been in a hard season, you know that advice is a tricky thing. It’s well meant, of course. But in their attempt to be helpful, a lot of people can say stuff that’s, well … not. So if you’re walking with someone who’s going through some serious pain, here are some genuine ways you can help without giving advice. keep reading…

#4 Five Little Known Facts About Queen Esther

…Queen Esther is an iconic figure in Biblical literature. Her story demonstrates the way that God places us in situations to orchestrate His plans. Here are 5 facts about the story of Esther that you may have never heard before. Keep reading…

#3 What Calendar did Jesus Use? by Michelle Van Loon

…I had to write about the Jewish and Christian calendars. Why? The short answer is that I care deeply about discipleship, and the calendar is one of the original discipleship tools found in the Old Testament. Keep reading…

#2 A Strongly Worded Letter to my 20 Year Old Self by Jason Hague

…In a shocking turn of events, I turned forty yesterday. And when a writer turns forty, he has an obligation to do one of those “letters to my younger self” articles. Those letters, however, are usually kind and gentle. My younger self needs a stern talking to. So here is my “strongly worded letter” to my twenty year old self. Keep reading…

#1 The Beautiful and Terrifying Silence You Need by Catherine McNiel

…Tramping through the snow, I stop for a moment. Everything around me is perfectly still. Only my footprints break the surface of the pure, white snow, and even these are behind me and out of sight. As far as my eyes can see, the world is untouched, asleep. The slumbering trees are soundless, with no leaves to wave in the breeze. The air itself is cold and still, hanging like icicles as I breathe. No birds, bugs, or animals scurry past. Only the blanket of snow and the deep covering of silence surround me on all sides. Keep reading…

Enjoy all of these top articles and have a great start to your new year!

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