The Rhythm of Us, Part 5

The Rhythm of Us, Part 5

Naming What Matters Most


Our rhythms emerge from what we value. That’s why, when the rhythms that fill our life and marriage flow from our deepest shared values, we experience the thriving marriage we long for.

Take some time to make a list of what matters most to you, individually, and then together as a couple. We’ve provided a free printable download for you to write out your values. Talk through any important priorities in your life you may have drifted from. Work to identify what things make you come alive, personally and together. What do you hope to be known for as a person? As a couple? Write down anything that comes to mind. This is just for you.

Throughout this journey, we’ve identified five healthy rhythms, each of which emerges from specific values.

– We speak life because we value creating a culture of honor and respect.

– We serve because we value a life of caring for others.

– We slow down because we value meaningful connection.

– We seek adventure because we value staying awake and alive to our life together.

– We stay in awe because we value seeing life as a beautiful gift.

With that in mind, think through the rhythms you’ve identified as key to your marriage, and take a minute to identify the values those rhythms reflect. Underneath each value, jot down a few intentional ways you could begin to practice them in your daily or weekly life together. For example, if you named the value of staying in awe, your practices might look like this:

– Begin each day by writing down three things you’re grateful for in your spouse.

– Set aside ten minutes to reflect on the day together and name the moments worth celebrating.

– End each day in reflective prayer together.

Remember, there are a thousand different ways we could choose to live our life together. We move toward the thriving life and marriage we long for when we intentionally center our lives around the values and rhythms that lead us toward God and toward each other.


“We must pay the most careful attention, therefore, to what we have heard, so that we do not drift away.” – Hebrews 2:1


Now, go and find your rhythm as a couple. We’re still around! Buy our new book, The Rhythm of Us, listen to our podcast, and visit us on social media!

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@jennigraebe @chrisgraebe @navpressbooks


@jennigraebe @chrisgraebe @navpresspublishing

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