Suddenly… the Christmas Story

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“Glory to God in highest heaven, and peace on earth to those with whom God is pleased.” – Luke 2:14 NLT
From the publisher,  Don Pape –Don Pape, Publisher
I love the Christmas story. I never tire of hearing it told or reading it from the Gospels.
Luke’s story of the shepherds and the angels must have been something, right? Minding your own business, tending your sheep, keeping wild animals away and trying to stay awake. Suddenly . . .
Life is like that, isn’t it? Business as usual and suddenly. Concert goers have their evening interrupted by gunmen.  Suddenly. Two planes careen into office towers in one of our beloved cities. Suddenly. High school students are taken hostage. Suddenly.
As I write this my city, Colorado Springs, is reeling from five scary hours where a building was besieged and lives were lost. Our entire city was in the grip of terror.  Even as I write this, a city in California is a casualty of more random shootings. Suddenly.
And so, as I follow Jesus in a world torn upside down, a world of sudden interruptions and unexpected disturbances, I hold onto the message given from the skies two millennia ago. A message spoken suddenly to a terrified audience. A reassuring message: peace on earth! Thanks be to God!
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2 thoughts on “Suddenly… the Christmas Story”

  1. You’re right! Suddenly. Everything can change in a flash. Except one thing remains unchanged. How blessed we are that He came.


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